
Modern Flatiron Scratchbuild - Part 3

As I mentioned in part 2, the next part was to add the interior details to each floor that I expected to add lighting to.  I did this using a combination of small pieces from Luetke Modellbahn, home-made office cubes, and bits of painted foam core.  I've found that even painted pieces of foam core can 'look' like furniture if the angles are square enough!
After finishing the details, I attached my lighting strips and carefully glued each floor section to the interior.  The challenging part is to ensure that I place the floor section correctly the first time as I only have a little over 1mm on either side.  If I miss, an unsightly (and impossible to fix) glue stain will result.  Fortunately I make it through this part withing any major errors!
I then soldered the leads from the LED strips to two brass wires that extend through the building.  This was a very easy way to solder in so many light strips and I'll probably use a similar method to this again.
I then attached the lobby section to the bottom of the building and after the glued had dried, I then applied the back wall (after checking to ensure that everything seems to be in square and all the lights work!
The next steps are to apply the remaining sides, the top pieces with a back-lit logo, and I'm getting pretty close to completion!


  1. Jerry, this is really fantastic work!

  2. This looks better than any commercially-produced building I've seen. Great work!

  3. I agree, it's a stunning-looking building. It makes the typical read-to-plant buildings look toylike.

    One question: in the top photo, the floor looks gray, but in the bottom photo the floors look white. Is that a side-effect of the bright LEDs? Does it look like that in person? Or did you paint the dark levels a darker color?

  4. Your work never ceases to amaze me.

  5. Wow! Thanks everyone for all the really nice words! To be fair, if you look close enough its not THAT great! :-) I still have a lot of work to do on avoiding mistakes that are (at least to me) glaringly obvious when I look at it (more on that it my next post).

    @Ken - the floors are spray painted 'flat gull grey' (Testors I think?), which is a fairly light grey color. Its the LED's I believe which are makign the floor appear white.
