
Extending the City

Ahhh... Fall is here! And with the coming of Fall, its time to spend more time in the train room!  Despite my lingering ideas about building a new layout, this weekend I chose to clean the track, run trains, and take care of a few details.

One of the things that I decided take care of today was to finally do something about the 'blank space' referred to as the 'negative zone'.  What I did was added in three buildings that, since completion, have say idle on shelves!  Above (and below) are some photos showing where I placed the two Vollmer buildings that I completed way back in December of last year facing the tram line with their backs to the main rail lines.

I also placed the "Quinntopia Hospital" across the tram line from the Vollmer buildings.  Yes, this alignment now makes absolutely no sense (did it make sense before?) with the tram line running right in front of the hospital!
There's some open tarmac around these buildings and the tram line that, I suppose, is just really poorly utilized parking spots right now; a good location for a future tram stop I think!
Looking 'down the road' (miraculously, the below is one of about 20 photos I took from this angle that was NOT blurry!) you can see the Dali-esque inspired urban layout that the hospital/Vollmer neighborhood of the layout experiences!  Ah well....at least they do get access to public transit (and at least there is now a reason for a tram to visit this line!).
The above experience should make clear why I am considering a new start for a layout...I've just run out of room but - unfortuantely? - not ideas!!!!  No fear, I find it hard to part with things, so I am sure the layout will continue to stay well for quite a few more months or years!

That's it for now! Hopefully I'll have a few more updates on the layout and other N gauge hobby stuff shortly!  Thanks for reading!